Filaggrin and Eczema
Eczema is a common skin condition affecting up to 20 percent of children and 3 percent of adults worldwide. While there’s no shortage of creams and lotions that help alleviate the chronic symptoms of eczema, we still haven’t found a cure that can clear it up for good.
Back in 2006, researchers found a strong link between people lacking in a certain skin protein, and the risk of developing eczema.
For the past decade, scientists have known that eczema is associated with a genetic lack of filaggrin (filament aggregating protein) in the skin. This protein helps shape individual skin cells, and plays an important role in our skin’s barrier function.
If a person has a genetic mutation that prevents proper filaggrin supply, they can develop skin conditions such as eczema or ichthyosis vulgaris, where skin cells don’t shed, and instead pile up in a pattern that looks like fish scales.
They found that this deficiency alone could trigger a host of molecular changes in important regulatory mechanisms in the skin. This affected things like cell structure, barrier function, and even how cells got inflamed and responded to stress.
Why do people develop Atopic Eczema?
Possibly most of us carry at least one gene that predisposes to atopic eczema but if you are unlucky and inherit several different predisposing genes then you are much more likely to develop atopic eczema – particularly if you are exposed to certain environmental factors. A ‘western style of living’, particularly in industrial areas, seems to be especially important and current research includes the investigation of the role of hard water.
So, it appears that the development of atopic eczema is caused by a combination of inherited genetic factors and poorly understood environmental ones.
Poor Barrier Function and the Role of Allergens
Everyone who has experience of eczema knows that it often starts as dry, scaly patches and the majority of sufferers have a generally dry skin to a greater or lesser degree. The dryness is an indication that the barrier function of the skin is not working properly. We now realise that this is tremendously important because, once the skin barrier is breached, irritants such as soaps and detergents can dry the skin and cause deterioration of the already weakened barrier and worsen the eczema.
It also means that allergens such as foods and inhalant allergens are then able to penetrate into the upper layers of the skin. The allergens are then picked up by cells from our immune system that carry them into our circulation and cause sensitisation – the development of antibodies to an allergen. This does not necessarily lead to any clinical symptoms but in some cases, it can lead to allergic reactions when the individual is next in contact with that allergen, an example being cat dander. It is therefore extremely important to try to repair the barrier function of the skin with the use of emollients and to avoid the use of irritants.
What is Filaggrin and What Does It Do?
Filaggrin is formed from the breakdown of profilaggrin, a protein contained in the granules found in the granular layer of the upper epidermis (the outer layer of the skin). Filaggrin is vital for skin cells to mature properly into the tough, flat corneocytes that form the outermost protective layer of our skin known as the cornified cell envelope (CCE).
It does this by binding together the rigid keratin filaments that form a structural skeleton within the cells. Keratin is a particularly tough protein that makes our hair and nails but microscopic filaments of it also help skin cells to keep their shape. As a result of the filaggrin binding, the cells collapse and become flattened (rather like shutting down an umbrella so that all the spokes are aligned). Filaggrin also helps to form part of the natural moisturising substance of the skin and may be important in our immune defence mechanism of the skin.
The Importance of Skin Barrier Function
The CCE is constantly renewed by new cells formed by the lowest (basal) layer of the epidermis that gradually work their way to the surface over a 28-day period. The cells are tightly bound together until they reach the skin’s surface to become corneocytes, where they are gradually shed (exfoliation). Surrounding the corneocytes is a layer of lipids (fats) that help to keep the CCE waterproof and supple. This keeps vital water in the epidermal cells and keeps out irritants and allergens. Without filaggrin the CCE does not form properly, the corneocytes dry out and the lipid layer is easily lost so that the skin becomes dry and cracked. Think of the cells as being like the bricks in a protective wall and the lipid layer as the mortar holding them together and keeping it waterproof.
How does Filaggrin deficiency occur and what does it mean to you?
Our bodies are made by the work of thousands of different pairs of genes that we inherit as one from each of our parents. Around one in 10 of the UK population have reduced amounts of filaggrin in their skin because they have inherited a faulty copy of the gene for making filaggrin. These gene faults are known as filaggrin loss-of-function mutations. Professor McLean’s group first discovered two of the commonest mutations and many more are now being found within all major ethnic groups.
Allergies and Filaggrin Deficiencies
Are there other causes of Impaired Barrier Function?
- The use of detergents, shampoos and soap are also thought to be contributory. Soaps tend to be alkaline, which speeds up exfoliation of the corneocytes and ‘dissolves’ the lipid layer.
- However, it is better to use emollients for washing rather than soap if you have a dry skin or eczema of any type. Emollients help to repair the damage to the CCE by increasing the cell water content and protecting the lipid layer.
Does everyone with atopic eczema have filaggrin deficiency?
At present it seems that just over half (56%) of those with moderate to severe eczema have filaggrin deficiency although, as new mutations are discovered, this figure is rising. However, only 15% of those with mild to moderate eczema can be explained by filaggrin deficiency. Some of the latest research suggests that it may be useful in studies to divide eczema sufferers into those populations who have filaggrin deficiency (filaggrin-associated eczema) and those who do not.
How can I tell if I have a filaggrin deficiency?
At present there are no routine laboratory tests for filaggrin deficiency and it is mainly being used as a research tool, although it is likely that they will become available in time. However, there are some clinical clues to telling whether or not you have filaggrin deficiency.
Can filaggrin deficiency be cured?
Unfortunately, you cannot ‘cure’ filaggrin deficiency or take filaggrin supplements. But there is some work under way to look for ways to introduce filaggrin back into the skin, although it will be a while before we see anything available to use.
The best indication is a very dry skin with rather ‘old-looking’ palms seen as increased linear creases (palmar hyperlinearity) over the base of the thumb, or soles, and sometimes with fissures (cracks). There is also an association with keratosis pilaris that is seen as tiny, hard pin-sized skin-coloured lumps – particularly on the outer upper arms, but sometimes also on the cheeks and legs.
By Dr Sue Lewis-Jones, Consultant Dermatologist at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee
References Eczema genetics: current state of knowledge and future goals. Brown SJ & McLean WH. J Invest Dermatol. 2009 Mar;129(3):543-52 NICE Clinical Guideline 57. The management of childhood eczema. Available free from Dr Sue Lewis-Jones has a special interest in paediatric dermatology and atopic eczema and chaired the NICE guideline for the management of childhood eczema.